jalethernet articles.
References, notes, etc.
- National Semiconductor DP8390, original NE2000 chipset, which was cloned by many other vendors.
- National Semiconductor App Note 475, intro to DP8390.
- National Semiconductor App Note 874, writing Drivers for DP8390.
- National Semiconductor DP83901A datasheet.
- Realtek RTL8019AS datasheet.
- Linux drivers ne.c, 8390.c
- CompactFlash specifications follow download section.
Internet related documents.
- RFC Index, citations for all RFCs in numeric order.
- STD Index, citations for all STDs in numeric order.
- RFC 0826, Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol.
- RFC 0894, Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over Ethernet networks.
- RFC 0791, Internet Protocol.
- RFC 0792, Internet Control Message Protocol.
- RFC 0768, User Datagram Protocol.
- RFC 0793, Transmission Control Protocol.
- IEN-74, Sequence Number Arithmetic.
- RFC 1071, Computing the Internet checksum.
- RFC 1141, Incremental updating of the Internet checksum.
- RFC 1624, Computation of the Internet Checksum via Incremental Update.
- RFC 1122, Requirements for Internet Hosts.
- RFC 0854, Telnet Protocol Specification. See also: RFC 0855.
- RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Online articles.