NE2000 compatible ISA card
The only ISA cards that are known to work are NE2000 compatible cards with an RTL8019AS controller IC.
For instance:
Level One ENC-0100TB and ENC-0102T
Test the card first in a PC, you might need a DOS app to disable PnP and set the base address to 0x300. IRQs are not used. Don't solder the wires directly to the ISA card, use an old ISA connector from a 486 board instead. You only need the long slot of the ISA connector since the interface is 8 bits only. The pins are on a 0.1" grid, so you can solder it to a piece of perfboard.

If you want to use the ISA card on a solderless breadboard, get some single row pin headers and press the pins all the way to one side. Insert next to the ISA connector and solder on the bottom.

You can now press the pins in your breadboard. Remove the bracket from the ISA card if needed.

Note unused 16-bit part of ISA card floating in the air. Here is the layout of the ISA card pins and their PIC connections:
NE2000 ISA address lines:
0x0300 .. 0x031F = 0000 0011 000x xxxx
PIC pin | Signal | ISA pin | ISA pin | Signal | PIC pin |
Gnd | Gnd | B1 | A1 | I/0 CHCHK/ | |
isa_reset | Reset | B2 | A2 | SD7 | isa_d7 |
Vcc | +5V | B3 | A3 | SD6 | isa_d6 |
| IRQ2/9 | B4 | A4 | SD5 | isa_d5 |
| -5V | B5 | A5 | SD4 | isa_d4 |
| DRQ2 | B6 | A6 | SD3 | isa_d3 |
| -12V | B7 | A7 | SD2 | isa_d2 |
| OWS/ | B8 | A8 | SD1 | isa_d1 |
?? (1) | +12V | B9 | A9 | SD0 | isa_d0 |
Gnd | Gnd | B10 | A10 | I/0 CHRDY/ | |
Vcc | SMEMW/ | B11 | A11 | AEN | Gnd |
Vcc | SMEMR/ | B12 | A12 | SA19 | Gnd |
isa_iow | IOW/ | B13 | A13 | SA18 | Gnd |
isa_ior | IOR/ | B14 | A14 | SA17 | Gnd |
| DACK3/ | B15 | A15 | SA16 | Gnd |
| DRQ3 | B16 | A16 | SA15 | Gnd |
| DACK1/ | B17 | A17 | SA14 | Gnd |
| DRQ1 | B18 | A18 | SA13 | Gnd |
| DACK0/ | B19 | A19 | SA12 | Gnd |
| CLK | B20 | A20 | SA11 | Gnd |
| IRQ7 | B21 | A21 | SA10 | Gnd |
| IRQ6 | B22 | A22 | SA9 | Vcc |
| IRQ5 | B23 | A23 | SA8 | Vcc |
| IRQ4 | B24 | A24 | SA7 | Gnd |
| IRQ3 | B25 | A25 | SA6 | Gnd |
| DACK2/ | B26 | A26 | SA5 | Gnd |
| T/C | B27 | A27 | SA4 | isa_a4 |
| BALE | B28 | A28 | SA3 | isa_a3 |
Vcc | +5V | B29 | A29 | SA2 | isa_a2 |
| OSC | B30 | A30 | SA1 | isa_a1 |
Gnd | Gnd | B31 | A31 | SA0 | isa_a0 |
(1) Perhaps it's needed by your card.
Seeing this table we can now assign PIC pins in netp.jal:
-- Address bus: isa_a0 .. isa_a4
-- ISA address bus, low 5 bits
var byte isa_addr is portb
-- Data bus: isa_d0 .. isa_d7
-- ISA 8 bit data bus
var byte isa_data_direction is port_d_direction
var byte isa_data is portd
-- Control bus: isa_iow, isa_ior
-- ISA read and write strobes. Both are active low signals
var bit isa_ior is pin_e0
var bit isa_iow is pin_e1
-- Control bus: isa_reset
-- ISA reset signal. Active high.
var bit isa_reset is pin_e2